Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to Search for Google Plus Profiles

Searching for Google-plus profiles is no problem at all, whether you are already on Google-Plus or not. Here’s a direct link to a sample search:
- and please compare this with
See the difference? I have changed just one symbol in the search URL. The latter search returns both Google profiles and Google-plus profiles.
Unlike Google-profiles most Google-plus-profiles have a link to “send an email”. It’s sourcer’s paradise!
The search for people returns up to 1,000 results. (I think they could do better here.)
We can also X-ray Google-Plus, but apparently Google has not indexed all Google profiles yet (ha!), so people search returns better results. Advanced search operators do work in the dialog. There’s one very subtle difference in the search results display: instead of “Google+” – which is the page title – they show “Google Profile“.
Note: You will not be able to find me on Google Plus (yet).

Happy Hunting :-)


  1. could you provide a string example with the goal of finding java candidates in the St. Louis, MO area?

    Thank you so much,
    Aruba Al

  2. Hi Aruba,

    Thanks for visiting my blog,

    you can use below strings to get resumes

    ~resumes|CV Java J2ee Oracle (MO|Missouri) -job -jobs -sample -samples -eoe

    by using above string you get many number of results... one of the sample resume I copied from above string...

    and also you can use below strings

    ~resumes|CV Java J2ee Oracle 63101..63601 (MO|missouri) -job -jobs -sample -samples -eoe (filetype:doc OR filetype:docx OR filetype:pdf OR filetype:txt OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:html)

    ~resumes|CV j2ee hibernate (MO|missouri) -job -jobs -sample -samples -eoe (filetype:doc OR filetype:docx OR filetype:pdf OR filetype:txt OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:html)

    And if you want to restrict your results to particular miles you should use .. operator

    ex: 63101..63601

    by adding above example you will get the results within those zipcodes. So when ever you want to restrict your search to particular miles. just mention two zipcodes.

    Hope this helpful work you... If you have any question please shoot email to me....

    and also you can visit my other website Please open in Google Chrome it works only in chrome.

    Santosh Kumar Kandula

  3. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u

    Bay Area Web Developer

    1. Hi Kaviya,

      Thank you for visiting my blog, you can also visit my website for more information about sourcing and internet researching

  4. Hi Poona,

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Please let me know if you need any more information....

    Kandula Santosh Kumar
